Playtime Rewards

In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of setting up the Playtime Rewards. This plugin allows you to reward players for their playtime, even when they're


  1. Access Configuration: Navigate to the plugins folder on your server and find the PlaytimeRewards folder. Inside this folder, locate and open the config.yml file.

  2. Customize Messages: Open the config.yml file and customize the messages that players will receive regarding playtime and points. Edit the messages under the messages section to match your server's style.

  3. Time Format: Customize the display format for playtime using the time_format section. Adjust the days, hours, minutes, and seconds formats to your preference.

  4. Shop Configuration: Configure the playtime point shop by specifying items, titles, lore, prices, and commands under the shop section.


Customize the messages that players will see when interacting with the plugin.

  • check_time: Message displayed when a player checks their total playtime.

  • player_head: Customize the display of the player head.

  • book: Information about playtime and points displayed in a book.

  • shop: Information about the playtime point shop.

  • bank: Display a player's playtime points.

  • points_claim: Message displayed after claiming playtime points.

  • points_claim_not_enough: Message displayed when a player doesn't have enough points to claim.

Time Format

Customize how playtime is displayed in various time units.

  • day, days: Customize the format for days.

  • hour, hours: Customize the format for hours.

  • minute, minutes: Customize the format for minutes.

  • second, seconds: Customize the format for seconds.

  • reset: Customize the format when the playtime is reset.

Currency Settings

Define the currency used for playtime points.

  • currency_icon: The icon used to represent the currency.

  • currency_ratio: Define how much playtime corresponds to one playtime point (in seconds).

Shop Configuration

Configure the items available in the playtime point shop.

  • sale1, sale2, ...: Define individual sales.

    • item: The item name. (must be a valid material name)

    • title: The title displayed for the item in the shop.

    • lore: Description of the item.

    • price: Price of the item in playtime points.

    • commands: Additional commands executed when the item is purchased.


For Normal Players

  • /tplaytime check: Check your total playtime.

  • /tplaytime bank: Check your playtime points.

  • /tplaytime claim: Claim points based on the playtime ratio.

  • /tplaytime shop: Open the dynamic playtime point shop.

For Admins

  • /tplaytime add {name} {points}: Add playtime points to a player.

  • /tplaytime remove {name} {points}: Remove playtime points from a player.

  • /tplaytime reload: Reload the playtime configuration.

  • /tplaytime check {player}: Check a player's playtime and points.


Utilize placeholders to display playtime and playtime points.

  • %toastedplaytime%: Display a player's playtime.

  • %toastedplaytimepoints%: Show a player's playtime points.

Compatibility with AFKPass

If you're using AFKPass, integrate it with the Playtime Rewards Plugin.

  1. Open the afkpass.yml file located in the AFKPass folder.

  2. Set use_playtime to true to use player playtime for rewards.


You've successfully configured the Playtime Rewards Plugin! Players can now earn rewards for their playtime, contributing to a more engaging experience on your server. Customize messages, shop items, and commands to create a unique environment.

Remember to save your changes and restart the server to apply the modifications. For any issues or questions, consult the plugin's documentation or seek help from your server's support channels.

Happy rewarding and enjoy enhancing your server's gameplay with the Playtime Rewards Plugin!

Last updated