
Setup and Configuration

AFK Rewards offers a powerful feature called Multi-Regions, allowing you to create distinct regions with customized rewards, waiting times, permissions, and synchronization settings. To set up Multi-Regions, follow these steps using the configuration files:

  1. Accessing the GUI: Players can access the GUI by typing /tafk in the chat. This will open the AFK Rewards GUI interface.

  2. Creating a Region: To create a new region, the player clicks on the item labeled "Region" in the GUI. They will then be prompted to enter a name for the region. After entering the name, a new .yml file will be created to store the region's settings.

  3. Selecting Region Positions: To define the boundaries of the region, the player needs to click on the "WAND" item in the GUI. With the wand equipped, they click on two different locations in the world to set the region's boundaries (loc1 and loc2). These positions will determine the area where AFK activity will be monitored.

  4. Saving the Region: After defining the region's positions, the player clicks on the "Save" item in the GUI. They can then select the newly created region from the list to save the settings.

  5. Configuration Settings: After the region is created and saved, the server administrator can further configure its behavior using the .yml configuration file. Here are the customizable settings:

    • synchronized: Set to false to disable synchronization, ensuring each player has an individual AFK timer. If set to true, all players in the region will have a synchronized AFK timer, meaning they must collectively go AFK before rewards trigger.

    • default_sync_time: Sets the default synchronization time (in seconds) if synchronization is enabled. For example, if set to 1000, all players in the region will receive rewards after 1000 seconds of collective AFK time.

    • permissions: Define different waiting times (in seconds) for players of different ranks. Use default to specify the waiting time for players without specific permissions.

    • commands: List of commands that will be executed when players receive AFK rewards. Customize the list according to your server's preferences.

    • random_commands: Define a list of named groups with random commands. You can specify the number of commands to be executed each time a player receives rewards (using the times parameter).

    • probability_commands: Set up different commands with corresponding probabilities of execution. For example, a 35% chance of executing one command, 50% chance of executing another, and 15% chance of executing a third command.

    • denied_commands: List of commands that will be denied and not executed when players receive AFK rewards.

With these configuration options, you have the flexibility to create unique AFK reward regions tailored to your server's needs. Players will be motivated to explore different regions, each offering distinct rewards and experiences, enhancing their overall gameplay enjoyment.

Last updated