One-Time Rewards

One type of reward offered by the Player Rewards Plugin is "One-Time Rewards." These are rewards that players can claim only once within a specified time frame.

One-Time Rewards Configuration (one_time_rewards.yml)

The one_time_rewards.yml file allows you to define and configure specific one-time rewards that players can claim within a specified time frame. Let's break down each section of the configuration:

yamlCopy codebefore_collect_item: CHEST_MINECART
after_collect_item: MINECART
  title: "&cAlready collected!"
    - "&cYou've already collected this!"
  • before_collect_item and after_collect_item: These define the items displayed before and after the player collects a reward. In this example, a CHEST_MINECART item appears before collecting, and a MINECART item appears after.

  • fill_item: This is the item used to fill empty slots in the reward GUI.

  • collected_item: This is the item shown when a player has already collected a reward. It has a title and lore.

Now, let's explore the rewards section:

yamlCopy coderewards:
    startDate: 2023-08-14
    endDate: 2025-12-28
    showPremium: true
    slots: 27
    item_slot: 13

      title: "&b&lFree reward"
        - "&cYou will get &f10$&c "
        - " "
        - "&c&lTHIS IS A FREE REWARD"
        - "&7Start date: {startDate}"
        - "&7End date: {endDate}"
        - "msg {player} here 10 coins"

      title: "&6&lPremium reward"
        - "&cYou will get &f100&c coins"
        - " "
        - "&c&lTHIS IS A &6&lPREMIUM REWARD"
        - "&7Start date: {startDate}"
        - "&7End date: {endDate}"
        - "msg {player} here 100 coins"
      permission: trewards.premium
  • welcome: This is the name of the reward. You can have multiple rewards under the rewards section.

  • startDate and endDate: Define the time frame during which players can claim the reward.

  • showPremium: Set to true if the premium version of the reward should be displayed.

  • slots and item_slot: Specify the number of slots in the reward GUI and the slot number where the main item will be displayed.

  • free: Configure the details for the free version of the reward.

    • title and lore: Customize the title and lore of the free reward.

    • commands: Specify commands to execute when a player claims the free reward.

  • premium: Configure the details for the premium version of the reward.

    • title and lore: Customize the title and lore of the premium reward.

    • commands: Specify commands to execute when a player claims the premium reward.

    • permission: Set a permission node required to claim the premium reward (if applicable).


By configuring the one_time_rewards.yml file, you can create enticing one-time rewards that players can claim within specified time frames. Customize the messages, rewards, and requirements to enhance the player experience on your server.

Remember to save your changes and restart the server to apply the modifications. If you have any questions or need further assistance, refer to the plugin's documentation or seek help from your server's support channels.

Empower your players with exciting one-time rewards using the Player Rewards Plugin, and watch your server thrive with engagement and satisfaction!

Last updated