Player Rewards

In this section, we'll explore how to set up and manage player rewards using the Player Rewards Plugin. This plugin allows you to create various types of rewards for your players.

General Overview

The Player Rewards Plugin provides a flexible system for creating and managing rewards for your players. It consists of two primary files: rewards.yml and rewards.db. The rewards.yml file allows you to customize general messages, and the rewards.db file stores player-specific reward data.

rewards.yml Configuration

Inside the rewards folder, you'll find the rewards.yml file. This file enables you to customize the messages displayed to players and control various aspects of the rewards system. Here's an example configuration:

yamlCopy codemessages:
  open_usage: "&aUsage: /trewards <open> <type> <reward>"
  invalid_reward_type: "&cThis reward type doesn't exist"
  invalid_reward: "&cThis reward doesn't exist!"
  expired_reward: "&cThe offer has expired!"
  open_gui: "Opening + {section}"

rewards.db Data

The rewards.db file stores player-specific reward data, including their UUID, collected rewards, and whether they collected the free or premium version.

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