
Explanation of Config.yml

Below is an explanation of the various categories and settings in the Config.yml file for the AFK Rewards plugin:


    • license-key: The license key for the plugin. Replace "none" with the actual license key you have obtained.


    • use_command_execution_pool_size: If set to true, the plugin will use threads for the executor service, improving performance.

    • command_execution_pool_size: The number of threads used for executing commands and random commands for players with a timer of 0.

    • how_often_all_players_and_region_checked: Determines how frequently players and regions are checked in seconds. Lower values increase accuracy but may impact performance.

    • debug: When set to true, using the AFK wand will display the selected region, which might cause lag.


    • Customizable messages used by the plugin for various events and interactions with players. Modify the text within the quotes to customize the messages.

  4. actionbar:

    • Customizable messages for the action bar (displayed above the hotbar) when players have to wait before receiving another reward. Modify the text within the quotes as desired.

  5. bossbar:

    • Customizable settings for the boss bar (displayed at the top of the screen). You can change the color, style, and text of the boss bar. You can also put {timer} if you'd like to show the actionbar's progress up there.

  6. loading_screen:

    • Customizable settings for the loading screen bar. The bar updates based on the progress of players' AFK timers. You can customize the totalTiles, symbol, loading_color, and loading_complete messages.

  7. title_screen:

    • Customizable settings for the title and subtitle that appear on the player's screen. The title and subtitle display the loadingScreenBar and loadingScreenPercentage, respectively.

  8. Commands:

    • /tafk <wand/save/reload/item>: Use this command to access various features of the plugin, such as using the wand, saving regions, reloading the configuration, or managing items.

    • /silentgive {player} <item> <amount>: This command allows players to give items to other players silently. You can specify the item name inside { } to give custom items defined in the configuration without seeing anything in the console.

The Config.yml file allows you to tailor the AFK Rewards plugin's behavior, performance, and messages to suit your server's unique requirements. Customizing the messages and settings will enhance the player experience and ensure the plugin aligns with your server's gameplay style.

Last updated